Dear Jaguar friends and Jaguar enthusiast,
at the beginning of the season we would like to invite you to the first clubevening 2017 of JEDCA East.
- Clubnews
- Details about our Spring-Tour
- Forecast of further activities until mid of the year.
Traditionally we would like to close the evening with a comfortable dinner.
Date: Wednesday, March 29th 2017, 6:30 p.m.
Place: Gasthaus „Waldtzeile“
1130 Wien, Speisinger Straße 2
Tel. 01/804 53 94
For organizational reasons we appreciate your confirmation asap.
Thank your for your interest on the activities of the JEDCA Eastern Region
We are looking forward to seeing you soon.
Martin und Daniel Campregher
Meetingpoint: 17:45 h Beim Nachtwächterstübchen, Altstadt 2
Begin: 18:00 h Guided Tour through the historic Center to the theme “Geister und Mord”
afterwards dinner in the Restaurant Arkadenhof.
Further details you will find in the invitation Clubabend West_31-03-2017
Registration until, 27.03.2017 per email
oder by phone during the day 0676/83 76 76 10 and 0664/42 33 7 33 (evening and weekends)
with club booth
with club booth Friday evening
The classic car fair in Tulln will take place from May 12th to 13th.
As in the years before we will be present with a clubbooth in hall 3/stand 339. In addition we would like to mention the special exhibition 70 years XK that will show 9 cars of these series. You will get to see the historic cars XK120, XK140 and XK150 as well as a modern XK.
We are looking forward to seeing you!